20 July 2009


So, there I was yesterday, wandering around Midsummer Common in Cambridge. Not purely on a whim, you understand, but accompanied by 3,699 other women & girls, all of us taking part in the Race for Life.

It was raining when we started and it threw it down after we finished but the sun came out for the majority of our perambulating. Lots of people to cheer us on and I finished in about 50 minutes, slightly slower (well, alright, a lot slower) than my niece Lucy who upheld family honour by running the whole thing! My other niece Sam took part in Coventry earlier in the year and also ran the race. Honestly, what is it with the younger generation - so full of energy!!! Well done to both of them, Pamela would be proud!

And today . . . . being somewhat uncomfortable after 5km on uneven ground, I moved my focus from stray Culpins to stray Stadens. I think I said earlier in the year that I am determined to link "my" Stadens, who I have traced back to London/Kent, to the Derbyshire branch or the Southampton branch. So I've started on the Southampton lot and hope to be able to report some progress soon.

Onwards, for the moment, to a bit more Staden-contemplation!

More soon.

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