I thought I'd try and recreate the JK Rowling thing of sitting in a cafe, drinking coffee and writing a bestseller . . . . . . hmmmm, can't think that's really going to happen, but the coffee was good!
Then I got home and got wound up by all the hoo-ha about Strictly. What a bunch of hypocrites! So I completely lost track of time and also of what I had planned to put on here today.
Instead, I've just nicked something from my own website (a bit of "cross-pollenation" here) which amused me.
Back in May this year, I discovered that there were two Oliver Cromwell Freemans in my tree. Plainly not at the same time, but the first one, born in 1874 to James & Eliza Humphrey in Spitalfields, only lived a couple of months. The second OCF was born a year later and died in 1891. I think we can safely assume that their parents weren't ardent royalists . . !
I only found this out because I sent for his death certificate (1891) in the hope it might also give me a clue to where his older sister Mabel was. It didn't; but instead told me that he died of "enteric fever and exhaustion" in The London Hospital in Whitechapel.
That's the same London Hospital featured on BBC1's Casualty 1907 and "starrring" Doctor Millais Culpin and his future wife Nurse Ethel Bennett. This was a three-episode miniseries in April/May this year and quite good it was too - but I might have been slightly biased.
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